Monday, December 10, 2012

Taco Salad

After a few days of pretty heavy meals I was begging for him to make something healthy.  This is a recipe that he won't take credit for because it is his mom's.  It is very simple, healthy, and delicious.  He first made it on September 5th.  I finally wrote down the ingredients (it's more a list of ingredients than an actual recipe) when he had me assemble the salad on December 9th. There is a LOT of freedom on this recipe.  What ends up on my plate and what ends up on Chuck's looks completely different, so play with it!

Tina's Taco Salad                                                                             9/5/2012

2             Chicken breasts
pinch     Salt
pinch     Pepper
pinch     Ancho Chili Powder
pinch     Cayenne Pepper
               Olive oil

1/2 head          Iceberg lettuce
3.8 oz. can      Sliced black olives, drained
15 oz. can        Light red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1 c.                    Shredded cheddar cheese
1                       Tomato, diced
                         Spicy Nacho Doritos

     1:     Sprinkle chicken breasts with salt, pepper, chili powder, and cayenne pepper.  Drizzle with olive oil and grill until cooked thoroughly.  We usually use a George Foreman type grill.  Dice up the cooked chicken breasts and stick them in the refrigerator to chill.
     2:     Tear up the lettuce and place in a large bowl.  Top with the diced tomato, olives, kidney beans, chicken and cheese. 

Pretty easy, huh?  The kickers for this salad are the extra toppings.  We use a couple of different salsas, hot sauces, and sour cream.  This is where the Doritos come into play.  We stick them in a resealable plastic bag and crunch into smaller pieces and put those on top.

Mine ends up with a lot of different salsas and hot sauces.  His ends up with a lot of sour cream and Doritos.

What Started It All

It all started one Saturday morning (ok, afternoon) this summer.  I was walking my dog, like I did nearly every day, on the Green Belt in Boise.  We normally walk about 6 miles.  It was hot, over 100 degrees, I was exhausted.  Just finishing up physician assistant school, I had just finished a night shift in the ER.  I had never pulled an all nighter and had been dreading these shifts from the day I started PA school, more than two years before. It was my first night shift and I had rolled out of bed at about 3 in the afternoon and headed to the park.  Not too long after we started walking I ran into a guy, Chuck, out on a run, new to town, and lost.  The bridge he normally crossed to get back home was closed for construction and he wanted to know the new shortest way to get home.  I told him.  I was going the same direction.  We walked together for a while, I gave him my phone number, we agreed to have dinner sometime.

The next day, after another grueling night shift, he asked which nights I had available.  I had Tuesday and Friday that week. He wanted to get together Tuesday and as soon as he suggested it, I realized that was my volleyball night (sand volleyball at a dive bar).  I love playing and since I had very few nights available I told him I forgot I had plans Tuesday and we would need to aim for Friday.

He told me that he likes to cook.  I like to cook too.  The last guy I dated even told me his favorite place to eat in Boise was my kitchen.  Hilarious, right?  So instead of going out to dinner, Chuck said he would make dinner at his place.  My friends told me I was crazy for going to some guy's house that I hardly knew.  I did a drive by ahead of time (when he found out he asked "To make sure I don't live in a box?"), gave my roommate the address (you know, just in case), and headed over for dinner.

His apartment was awesome, had anything I could imagine to drink, a snack plate for me to pick from while he finished making dinner, and a dinner I had to Google how to spell: Fish en Papillote. It was awesome.  He said later that he turned to me to ask if I liked it as we were eating, and I had already finished it.  Whoops!  So delicious.

So dinner wound down and he told me to grab my wine glass and put on my shoes.  He snagged the open bottle of wine and his glass and ushered me up to the rooftop deck.  We watched the sunset, finished the bottle of wine, and had a great time. This is not my kind of date.  Talking about it sounds cheesy.  I'm not an overly romantic kind of girl.  But it totally worked.  Worked to the point that when he went to use the restroom I sneaked my phone out and sent this text to my roommate: "This guy wins.  I don't care what the game is... WINNER!" I may have had some wine before this...

So, one amazing meal down and many, many to follow.  And I realized that I am NOT a cook.  I feel like a kindergartner in the kitchen these days.  So I'm learning.  He likes when I sit at the counter as he creates these masterpieces.  I want to learn.  So I bought a little green notebook to take notes and write down his recipes as he cooks.  I cook sometimes too and he'll sit at the counter as I do for him. I threatened starting a blog on his behalf, then we just decided to keep track of all of the recipes.  Well, I like the blog idea.  So here it is.

He doesn't use recipes and we haven't had Fish en Papillote since our first date.  It is listed first in the little green notebook but is just a blank page so far.  I have them all written down.  I fill in the recipes as we repeat meals we had before the little green notebook.  Anything new goes right in.

Here's what I'm going to do.  I will share the recipes as I acquire them.  At first Chuck said they were his "secrets."  He quickly added that the recipe is only half of the battle.  The other half is execution.  I've been taking step by step notes of this execution.  I'm learning to add sprinkles of kosher salt often (I didn't even own kosher salt until MONTHS into our relationship) and not to rush the process.  Our cooking styles are very different but they work.  I'm steering him towards healthier things.  He's steering me toward better portion control.

Souvlaki with Avocado Tzatziki

Chuck works for a company that specializes in pork.  I felt the need to make something with pork as the protein the first time I showcased my skills.  It was August 9, 2012.  I had a softball game that night but we figured we had plenty of time for dinner first.  So I found a recipe, one that required a barbeque grill, which I didn't have.  My parents told me for my upcoming graduation they would get me a grill and patio furniture.  So I spent the day prepping the food, getting the grill, getting it home, finding furniture, setting it up.  Then I had a problem.  The grill I bought was going to directly plug into the natural gas outlet from my house.  No one in Boise had the conversion kit.  No one.  So I altered the recipe, cooked inside, and enjoyed it with a cold beer on my new patio furniture.

Pork Souvlaki                                                                                            8/9/2012
1                       Lemon, juiced
¼ c.                Olive oil
¼ c.                Soy sauce
1t                     Dried oregano
3 cloves          Garlic, crushed
4 lbs                Pork tenderloin, cut into 1” cubes
2 med             Yellow onions, chopped into 1” pieces
2                      Green bell peppers, cut into 1” pieces (I used 1 red, 1 green)

1:  In a large glass bowl, mix together lemon juice, olive oil, soy sauce, oregano, and  garlic.      
2:  Add pork, onions, and peppers.  Stir to coat. Cover and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
      3:  Preheat grill to medium/high heat.  Thread pork, onions, and peppers onto skewers.
      4:  Lightly oil grate.  Cook for 10-15 minutes or to desired doneness, turning skewers 
frequently for even cooking.

Our notes:  I didn’t have a grill at the time so I just sautéed it all in a large skillet on the stove, no skewers.  Placed this delicious mix into pitas and topped with avocado tzatziki (recipe below).

Avocado Tzatziki                                                                                           8/9/2012                                                                                                                       
              1 lg                           Avocado
              2 cloves                   Garlic
             1                                 Lemon, juiced
             ¼ c.                          Sour cream (Optional) – I used 6 oz plain Greek yogurt
             ½ c.                          Cucumber, seeded and chopped
             ½ t.                          Crushed red pepper flakes
             1 T                             Chopped, fresh cilantro
            1 T                             Chopped, fresh mint

                1:  In a medium bown, combine the avocado, garlic, lemon juice, sour cream (yogurt), and cucumber,  Mash with fork until smooth.  If your avocado is not quite ripe enough you may want to use a food processor.

                2:  Season with red pepper flakes, cilantro, mint, salt, and pepper.  Mix well.  Cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour before serving

Our notes:  I didn’t even attempt to mash with a fork.  Straight to the food processor!